
‘But I’m scared of traveling solo!’


What exactly do you think is going to happen?

Are you going to get kidnapped the moment you step off the plane? Is there a warrant out for your arrest? Do you genuinely believe everyone in the world is out to get you?

Grow up.

The world is not that scary, and you are not the center of the universe. You will be fine.

Old Chinese Temple, BeijingOld Chinese Temple, BeijingPin
Solo traveler at an Old Chinese Temple in Beijing, China

And, besides, traveling with another person isn’t a guarantee of safety anyway. So, ultimately, what difference does it really make if you’re traveling solo?

Pro Tip: I know solo travel can seem scary. The first time I went solo traveling (which was around ten years ago), I was pretty scared too. You start overthinking, and all the various little over-thoughts merge into one big scary over-thought.

So here’s an exercise for you: get a pen and paper, right down all the separate things you’re scared of, and logically think about each of them in turn. You’ll soon realize they’re all insignificant and irrational.

Note: I’m a man. I totally understand that solo travel has the potential to be a bit more challenging and precarious for women. That said, I’ve met thousands of solo-traveling women, and many of them have taken lots of solo trips. So don’t take my advice; take theirs.


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