
Meet KoreanBilly, a talented content creator from Korea who’s now based in the UK.

Known for his passion for languages and regional accents, Billy has captivated audiences with his unique and humorous approach to learning.

He runs two YouTube channels, KoreanBilly and Billyonaire, and hosts a podcast called Oh! Regional with KoreanBilly, where he dives into all things linguistic and cultural.

In this short but hilarious video, Billy takes on the Scottish accent and dialect with flair.

From saying “Hello, my lovely friend” to “It’s grey outside,” he demonstrates everyday phrases in a way that’s both entertaining and spot-on.

You’ll also learn quirky expressions like “Yes, mate” and “What a beautiful girl,” all delivered with Billy’s signature charm and humor.

To top it off, Billy fully embraces the Scottish vibe by donning traditional Highland attire—complete with a kilt, sporran, and all the trimmings!

Curious to hear what it’s like to speak with a true Scottish lilt? Watch the video below and prepare for a good laugh:

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