
Gerard Butler is a Scottish actor and film producer. Born in Paisley, he is known for his roles in action movies such as 300, Olympus Has Fallen, and Greenland. He also starred in romantic comedies such as P.S. I Love You and The Ugly Truth.

In this video, Gerard explains the meaning and usage of some common and funny expressions from his native country for an US audience. He also gives some examples of how to use the Scottish slang in sentences.

The Scottish slang is the set of words and phrases that are characteristic of the dialects of the Scots language or Scottish English. Scottish slang is influenced by the history and culture of Scotland, as well as other languages such as Gaelic, Norse, and French.

Scottish slang can vary depending on the region, and some words may have different meanings or pronunciations in different areas.

More examples of Scottish slang words are:

  • Glaikit means foolish or stupid. For example, “Don’t be so glaikit, man!” means “Don’t be so silly, man!”
  • Dreich means dull or gloomy, especially in reference to the weather. For example, “It’s a dreich day today” means “It’s a dull day today”.
  • Crabbit means grumpy or bad-tempered. For example, “She’s a crabbit auld cow” means “She’s a grumpy old woman”.
  • Blether means to chat or gossip. For example, “We had a good blether over a cup of tea” means “We had a good chat over a cup of tea”.
  • Skiver means a lazy person who avoids work or responsibility. For example, “He’s a skiver, he never does his homework” means “He’s a lazy person, he never does his homework”.

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